Tuesday 2 October 2007


Being able to cheat, but not succumbing to cheating has to be admired. I know that there are many people out there who are extremely clever, but don't abuse their abilities, and I like to think that I'm one of them. Yet there are people out there who will quite happily cheat to raise their own profile, and they will do it time and time again.

I currently have two websites that I have written or am in the process of writing, one is for the care home in which I work, and the other has a forum about the CSCI who have caused the care industry a lot of problems because of rogue inspectors. With these two websites, which are essentially mine I get 5 email addresses, I also have an email address with my service provider, Yahoo and hotmail, so in total I have at least 13 email addresses I can use with complete impunity at any one time. I choose to only ever use one email address for personal emails, and that is my hotmail address, which I've had for over 7 years. The only other email address I use is directly related to my work and this one never gets used unless in a professional matter.

With blogging I feel it is important to build up trust and not to abuse that trust, therefore I always sigh up to such sites with one ID, here it is david231153 and on the MyT site it is antipolitician, these are the only two ID's, and each one is separate from the other and each one is only used for the site they were signed up to. To me this is about having morals and scruples and to me its not the thieves, the liars the yobs who rule the world, but the people with morals and scruples, hence antipolitician as an alias I don't think that politicians have either morals or scruples (maybe one or two do, but you'd be hard pressed to find them amongst the numerous liars).

I am also becoming interested in the style of the MyT blog site and I'm seriously thinking of trying to find out how much it would cost to put that up on one of my sites. I know that I can already get a free php blog site all I have to do is download it and set it up. No problem as occasionally I work with a friend who runs the networks for several schools in the area and also has his own company, but I like the style and versitility of the MyT site, but the difference would be in the way it would be moderated. I would not allow multiple ID's and if someone were abusing the site then they would be deleted without a second thought, after all why pussy foot around, thats why we have criminals only doing half their sentence because we are too soft on those that abuse others.

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